On behalf of Archbishop Gustavo, Father David and Fr. Rafal, we invite you and your family to offer a sacrificial gift of love by participating in this year’s Archbishop’s Appeal, Accompany with Joy, Give with Grace. We invite you to pray and find it in your heart to make a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal. Gifts can be given: 1. Using the parish Appeal envelope 2. Online at www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 3. By calling 210-734- 1604
SAVE THE DATE for May 2 & 3! Daughters of Notre Dame will be sponsoring a mini pilgrimage to the Basilica of San Juan de Valle. A 55 passenger bus is reserved and will leave Notre Dame at 7:00 a.m., Saturday morning April 25th. The bus is cost per person is $65. The Basilica Hotel will hold a group of rooms for Notre Dame pilgrims. Look for the registration forms and room reservation information in the Narthex the first weekend in February. For more information call Dianne @ 830.285.2555.
To date, we have received over $54 million in generous pledges and gifts towards the Archdiocesan Capital Campaign! THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to the campaign! Will you help us Finish Well by making your pledge and adding your contribution to the total? Your contribution will not only help build up the Archdiocese, but our parish as well! Our parish project is Church improvements, School improvements and Social Center improvements.
Join us for food and fun on October 22, 2019 from 5:00-8:00pm. Come support Notre Dame Catholic School and a percentage of the night's sales will be donated back.
This beautiful and inspiring program will take place on the First Saturday of each month at 3:45pm in the church, to pray for the end of abortion and the culture of death, attend Confession if desired, and satisfy the request of Our Lady of Fatima to honor Her Immaculate Heart and help bring about peace in the world. We invite you to learn about and be a part of this special devotion. Join us before the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as we pray and sing for the world. Offer personal intentions to Our Lady for your children and families. The 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass will follow.
The Music Ministry Scholarship was begun in 1999 in memory of Ms. Loretta Stehling, a lifetime member of Notre Dame who was musically self-taught, and served our church community in music for 70 of her 78 years. The scholarship was set up to encourage future music ministry in the Catholic church. We are blessed to be able to continue to provide scholarships, and are so grateful to Antoinette Dedman and family who have given generously to the Music Ministry Scholarship Fund in memory of her mother, Una Reiter. The amount of $8,000 will be put into a trust to fund scholarships that will be awarded in future years. If you would like to donate to the Music Ministry Scholarship Fund, please call Dorothy Cass at the office (257-5961, x. 235); she would be glad to speak with you about this. Thank you.
If you feel called to prepare the Lord's table, the sacristan ministry is in needed of a sacristan to prepare the Sunday 5:00 pm mass. Please call Melanie Krause at (830)777-4718.
Spots are available for the 2016 Online Level 1 Certification Initiative. This opportunity is open to any adult in the Archdiocese of San Antonio who wishes to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith. This formation will benefit any Catholic, including parish staff, pastoral council members, liturgical ministers, small faith communities, bible study groups, finance councils, school boards, RCIA teams, etc. Spaces are limited! Register now by going to www.archsa.org/initiative. Registration will continue through May 6.
At the Chrism Day of Reflection for Priests held last Tuesday it was announced that I, Fr. Mike, will be returning to full-time ministry as the founding Director of St. Peter Upon the Water: A Spiritual Direction and Formation in Ingram, Texas. This change will take place on July 1, 2016, when I will have fulfilled my six-year term as pastor/ administrator of Notre Dame Catholic Church......(please click for the full article regarding leadership changes.)
Pope Francis has asked our parish to support Christians in the Holy Land. Through the Good Friday Collection, you join with Catholics around the world to stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace in a troubled land. PLEASE BE GENEROUS!
Learn God’s way to plan your family. Join us for the 3- session course beginning Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 2:00 at the Pregnancy Resource Center in Kerrville. For information and registration for the class contact: Lisa and Kevin McCormick at 257-7803 or email: [email protected]
The Jubilee Year of Mercy starts on December 8, 2015. It will be a year to heed Pope Francis’ call to “gaze even more attentively on mercy, so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives.” Pope Francis has encouraged the Church to make its mission to be a witness of mercy to all people, saying, “No one can be excluded from God’s mercy.”
Our parish will continue a ministry to the poor in the form of the Family Giving Tree. The Family Giving Tree will be decorated and the ornaments available for selection at the weekend Masses on the first weekend of Advent. Please click to read full details.
The Adoration Chapel will be closed for the Thanksgiving holidays. The Blessed Sacrament will be reposed at 11:30am on Wednesday, November 25th, and will again be exposed after the 7:00am Mass on November 30th.
Each Wednesday a counselor from Catholic Charities Counseling Center will be on duty in the Notre Dame Pastoral Center from 10:00am-5:00pm. To schedule an appointment, please contact Rita Benavides in the Catholic Charities Counseling Center at 210-377-1133.
The Women of Notre Dame are currently accepting All Soul’s Memorials. A special Memorial Mass will be said on November 15, 2015 at the 9:15 a.m. Mass; names will be published in the weekly bulletin. Click for more details.
Because the Archbishop has called for all people of the Archdiocese to gather for a day of prayer, talks, and celebration of the Mass on Saturday, November 7th at St. Mary's University, there will NOT be a 5:00pm Mass here at Notre Dame that day.