Purpose is a transformative approach to confirmation. Multiple components combine impactful curriculum with a powerful mobile application to enhance communication with candidates and parents. Purpose is more than just a resource. It is a whole new approach to sacramental preparation. The Purpose curriculum is 24 sessions with a heavy focus on evangelizing young people and accompanying them as they become disciples. The curriculum addresses three big questions, "Why believe in God?", "Why trust Jesus?" and "Why be a part of the Church?" Additionally, all Purpose sessions begin with a small group bible study modified from Life Teen's lectionary-based discipleship group, Summit.
High School Confirmation meets on Wednesdays
7:00-8:30pm in the Social Center
High School Students may enroll in the Sacrament of Confirmation program when they have met the following:
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation, one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, is the sacrament that completes Baptism; in it the gift of the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon us. Anyone who freely decides to live a life as God’s child and asks for God’s Spirit under the signs of the imposition of hands and anointing with chrism receives the strength to witness to God’s love and might in word and deed. He is now a full-fledged, responsible member of the Catholic Church. [CCC 1285-1314]
“When a coach sends a soccer player onto the playing field, he puts his hand on his shoulder and gives him final instructions. We can understand Confirmation in a similar way. A hand is placed upon us. We step out onto the field of life. Through the Holy Spirit we know what we have to do and we have been given the power to do it. He has motivated us. His mission resounds in our ears. We sense his help. We will not betray his trust or disappoint him, we will win the game for him. We just have to want to do it and listen to him.”
[YouCat 203]
Why be Confirmed?
In Confirmation the soul of the baptized Christian is imprinted with a permanent seal that can be received only once and marks this individual forever as a Christian. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the strength from above in which this individual puts the grace of his Baptism into practice through his life and acts as a “witness” for Christ. [CCC 1302-1305, 1317]
“To be confirmed means to make a “covenant” with God. The candidate says, ‘Yes, I believe in you, my God; give me your Holy Spirit, so that I might belong entirely to you and never be separated from you and may witness to you throughout my whole life, body and soul, in my words and action, on good days and bad.’ And God says, ‘Yes, I believe in you, too, my child – and I will give you my Spirit, my very self. I will belong entirely to you. I will never separate myself from you, in this life or eternally in the next. I will be in your body and your soul, in your words and actions, Even if you forget me, I will still be there – on good days and bad.”
[YouCat 205]